The Gargoyle Gecko is a Nocturnal species of lizard native to the subtropical regions go New Caledonia. Adult Geckos can grow to be 7-10 inches long and weigh between 40-60 grams.
They make great first reptiles due to their docile nature and easy going attitude. You can make their setups using plastic plants or even go for a fully bio active paradise using live reptile safe plants!
Care level: Easy
Average lifespan: 15 years
General nature: Docile, Comical, Sweet
Suitable for children? Yes
Recommended readings:
Hot spot: N/A (sensitive to high heat)
Background temp: 23⁰C-25⁰C
Night-time temp: 23⁰C-25⁰C
Humidity: 60%-80%
UVI: 0 – 0.7 (Maximum UVI: 0.6 – 1.4 in basking zone)
Suitable housing (Glass Terrarium)
Coir (or other substrate)
Foliage (fake or live)
Feeding ledge
Gecko powdered diet
Small water Bowl
Spray bottle
Relevant supplements
Decor of choice
Small heat mat (winter)
An adult Gargoyle Gecko will require a glass Terrarium 45x45x60cm minimum.
Glass tanks are recommended over wooden tanks for Gargoyle Geckos as they have more ventilation and don't hold too much heat.
Gargoyle Geckos are sensitive to high heat and are usually most happy kept at room temp. In winter we recommend a small heat mat is placed on the outside of the enclosure controlled by a Microclimate mini stat to take they chill off.
No additional light source required.
Gargoyle Geckos should be offered a specialist Gecko powdered diet for the most part.
Insects should also be offered 1-2 times per weeks dusted with relevant supplements